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  • Credit PM pair seek galaxy of opportunities with long/short fund manager launch
    Two experienced portfolio managers have set up a new venture to take advantage of volatile markets

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: heading for homes
    Fund managers in structured credit, real assets and distressed are bullish on the prospects for residential housing in 2021. Elsewhere, niche royalty-based strategies are in favour and although a CLO repricing wave is expected, it may not be easy to execute resets. For more, read our 13-page quarterly report on credit. 

    3 years ago
  • It’s going to be a credit picker’s market
    Our panel of experts believe that the credit market will be volatile this year, but there will be opportunities in European credit and additional tier one bonds, trups CDOs and unitranches

    5 years ago

3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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