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3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • European manager takes big step towards first US CLO
    Polus Capital Management has made another notable step in its journey towards US CLO management, securing committed capital from strategic investors to support its first five US CLO

    7 months ago
  • Polus prices new European CLO
    London-based Polus Capital Management priced its latest European CLO on Friday, its second deal of the year and 18th CLO in total, after recently securing committed capital for continued issuance in the region

    7 months ago
  • CLO round-up: secondary market rallies amid increased primary supply
    CLO primary activity increased across the board this week, with US new issue supply amounting to $1.8 billion - up 48.7% on the week prior - while in Europe supply increased 208.8% to €1.2 billion

    11 months ago

3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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