Job opportunities with BNY Mellon: corporate trust group

BNY Mellon has released details of the following vacancies:

BNY Mellon

BNY Mellon has several exciting opportunities in its Houston, Chicago and Pittsburgh locations and is seeking candidates at various levels in our corporate trust group with experience in client service, CLO, CDO, SOLVAS Platform and/or CDO Suite background. If you are interested in learning more about our opportunities please view the links below to review the job descriptions and process to apply to the positions directly.

Specialist, client service - Pittsburgh

Senior analyst, client service - Pittsburgh

Representative, client service - Houston

Senior specialist, client service - Houston

Intermediate representative, client service - Chicago

Senior analyst, client service - Chicago

Senior specialist, client service - Chicago


Creditflux welcomes job announcements from named employers (up to 200 words). Please send job notices to We will publish them at our discretion and without charge


TAGS: High yield bonds Job advertisement People CLO Leveraged loans North America Synthetic/SRT